The Benefits of Using a Field Agent for Debt Collection
There are many methods that professional collection staff use when chasing unpaid invoices, including the utilising a Field Agent. Most agencies have their individual processes and approaches. For agencies that don’t use field agents, their options for collection can become exhausted quite quickly.
Without starting legal proceedings, the end of the line is usually when a debtor fails to respond to letters, calls, text messages and emails. However, if field agents are available, they are a valuable resource and can provide many benefits when it comes to collecting a debt.
What is a Field Agent?
Field agents are debt collectors that hold a special license and are qualified to make visits to a debtor’s home or place of employment. Generally, field calls are used as a last resort when the party owing money has failed to make contact after various reasonable attempts have been made. These agents are trained and professional in their visits and must adhere to strict home or workplace visitation guidelines.
Field Agents are More Cost-Effective than Legal Action
Pursuing a judicial recovery may seem beneficial and even appear as if you are saving time, by skipping a step in an otherwise lengthy process. However, legal action is often expensive and has the potential to overtake the cost of many minor debts. It is also very unlikely that legal costs will be recovered after a ruling. Often to recover the costs of legal action, a debt would need to be processed through a non-tribunal body, such as the magistrates court. This is why attempting to recover the amounts with a field agent is a more effective step.
A Field Agent Will be Able to Confirm the Location of a Debtor
If legal action is to be considered in the future, should the debt remain unpaid, then knowing either the home or work address of a debtor is essential. This allows for court papers to be served, following the strict legal process. It also aids proof that the person owing money has ignored any physical mail that has been sent to them regarding the outstanding amounts.
Sending a Field Agent Demonstrates Perseverance in Collecting the Debt
By sending a physical agent to the debtor’s home or work, you are sending a statement that you are serious about collection upon the amount they owe you. It also conveys that the debt collection demand is legitimate and increases the likelihood of you recovering the amount owed. Field visits can even be made after business hours and still be within the guidelines set by the ACCC. This means that you are more likely to make contact with the debtor and can attempt contact at hours one would generally be home.
It Allows For ‘On the Spot’ Payments
Generally field agents will have the capacity to take payment for debts on the spot. This means that you can guarantee the debt has been paid and will even potentially receive the funds in a timelier manner. If the debtor is able to pay the full amount in person, they are far more likely to pay on the spot, or enter into and sign the terms of a payment arrangement.
You Can Drive the Field Agent’s Process
A field agent will never be sent to a debtor’s home or workplace without consultation from you. Your case officer would be in contact with you, to explain the process and be guided by your instruction. You will be able to convey any hesitations you have and can even look at a client-centred focus, to mitigate the stress recovering a debt may have on a business relationship.
Field Agents can be an invaluable tool when it comes to collecting unpaid invoices. This service should be highly considered prior to taking legal action. The benefits a field agent provides towards collecting your debt could be the difference between payment and having to consider legal action.
If you have unpaid invoices and are wanting to utilise field agents, feel free to give us a call on 0466 243 114. Alternatively, you can read more about our process here and even submit a debt owed to you, online here.